

Hey bro, can you buy me the bottle of water, I know the shop resides in your locality i.e "locally". Just gave a shot that you have to "walk" and everything gets done, without using any vehicle, just because everything is at hand "locally". We bought fruits from the "local" market, we bought cheerfulness from the "domestic" market, we bought lonely enjoying things from the "domestic" market.

Is it sufficient for the word "locally" or "domestic", or do I need to do more for the "Pleasure"? Don't you contemplate "Pleasure" in itself is a very contrasting word, even the Oxford dictionary and Google both carry different meanings and for "Human Being" it is of different level sort of thing, it's healthier not 🚫 to talk about that here?

Suppose you were driving your car, sitting next to your girlfriend and you have to go through the market area. And in betwixt you got frustrated and the bike rider just observed "hairbreadth escape" and he opened his helmet and start yelling at you and you were on the verge of opening your seatbelt but then your girlfriend put her hand on your hand to say verbally "Violence" is unsatisfactory, we won't cultivate anything from it. You are left with no possible course of action just to listen to the rider. 

What you can deduce from the above paragraph? Is it love? Is it control power? Is it patience? Is it ignorance power? Is it "you can do anything but right now you have been ordered to sit tight"? Is it an obsession with girls? Or is it truly you want to ignore the present situation? I don't know what you all will pick but if you would have asked me then I'll reap "VIOLENCE". 

This blog is dedicated to "Violence" not to love, kidnapping, happy moments, lovely scenes, mesmerizing events, astonishing wonders, or eye-soothing experiences. What if you got a combo? From the research point of view, today's generation loves "combo" offers either they acquire in terms of "Food" or in terms of "intercourse" i.e "2+1" or "1+2". I hope you would understand.

Hey in the above-detailed paragraph, I talked about the "Combo" thing, wanna know why? Here is the reason, What if we combine "Violence" with "Domestic" or "Local" then it gives rise to G(old) topic i.e "DOMESTIC VIOLENCE". "Wallah", isn't it weird? Weird in the sense that you all got Rolled along with me from 1st paragraph to this paragraph just to experience the touch of "Today's Blog Topic". 

According to our tradition let's begin our blog with the story because the real feelings come with real stories. So without wasting any more minutes, here is the "creamy layer" of the "Obsessive" blog.

There was a person named "Drake" whose father was suffering from a "chronic" disease. And he used to live with the five members of his family, 2 parents and 3 siblings including him. In the early stage of his life, he had become independent so his parents decided to "tie" him in "Marriage knot". 

As his father's condition became poor and poor day by day so they did everything in hurry but unfortunately in between his father got expired. According to "Drake", he spent half of his life in hospitals and near to his father's bed. He even doesn't know when he went to sleep and when he got woke up. In the nutshell, we can easily conclude that his life revolves around his father's disease. 

In between, he had learned many second-rate habits and got enlightened with other pieces of stuff also. After his father's death, the responsibility of all the members came on his shoulders. But "Drake" was not exceptional. 

"I think it's time to remove everyone from the frame, just try to focus on "Drake" and "Drake's Wife".

As "Drake" got married and babies got bored. According to "Drake", it means that his wife won't be able to go anywhere. In short "Wife + Children = she stays forever". Everything was going fine and synchronized but as the days passed, he start getting frustrated on little things like the spices in food, for the clothes, not evenly arranged socks, for talking with Strangers, etc. 

He started drinking and when he came home, he finds his wife and start beating her, sometimes unnecessarily and most of the time for the disarrangements of the things. There comes the time in "Drake's" life where he "on his own" started finding excuses for beating her. When she went to another's house to attend any function, then from behind he used to call and ask her to come home. 

She was so scared of him that in the middle of the event she went home, she didn't even think twice! But when she reached home, "Drake's" knows only one thing i.e he starts beating her, and the reasons he gave 1; why didn't you tell me. 2; what you are doing there for so many hours. 3; I know you were having affairs with somebody. 4; You came here just for the sake of money and facilities. 5; You are so illiterate, dumb, foolish, you don't know how to live, how to talk with strangers. 6; You don't know how to cook food. 7; You don't know how to brought up kids, you know nothing. And 8; and 9; and 10; and..............the list goes on.

"Still, she was living with him", strange isn't it? She also doesn't know the reason, why she was living there still. Even after beating her, he(Drake's) start showing fondness the very next morning and started acting like nothing happened last night. **He was like the king of his house, when he wants to beat her, he beats her and when he wants to have sex with her, he loves her**.

Don't get high "readers" it was the normal etiquette of "Drake". And yes don't get inspired by him too. Although this is the end of the story I recommend you to stay here for the "REAL CRUX" of the blog. Because that was just the trailer. 

You won't believe "Kerala" the most literate state comes 2nd in the number of cases of "Domestic Violence" just after the "Bihar". As a citizen of the "Secular" country, we have the law to protect women from "Domestic Violence" i.e The Protection Of Women From Domestic Violence Act 2005 but we should not forget that the laws remain in the paper until unless we are not aware of that.

Let's give you some of the highlights of our "DV Act 2005". 1; To introduce and lay down civil liabilities who commit an act of DV. 2; To serve justice in a cost-effective manner, timely and convenient manner. 3; To determine that every act of DV in any form or manner is strictly unlawful................... For more insights, you can visit here "DV Act 2005".

*** I don't know of yours but the most curious question of mine is "why women stay?" "If she experienced such cruel behavior then why does she stay?" "If she knows she can do anything but still she stays, why?" "She weeps, she cried, she got lost, she got confused, and she was/is terrified.....but still she stays?" why? Isn't it so strange! ***

>>>>>>>>>> TO BE CONTINUED:- 


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