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Hey bro, can you buy me the bottle of water, I know the shop resides in your locality i.e " locally ". Just gave a shot that you have to "walk" and everything gets done, without using any vehicle, just because everything is at hand " locally ". We bought fruits from the "local" market, we bought cheerfulness from the "domestic" market, we bought lonely enjoying things from the "domestic" market. Is it sufficient for the word " locally " or " domestic ", or do I need to do more for the "Pleasure"? Don't you contemplate "Pleasure" in itself is a very contrasting word, even the Oxford dictionary and Google both carry different meanings and for "Human Being" it is of different level sort of thing, it's healthier not 🚫 to talk about that here? Suppose you were driving your car, sitting next to your girlfriend and you have to go through the market area. And in b


"What goes around comes around", we all are familiar with this quote. Today I am going to talk about "Karma", How does it affect, I personally accept or not, a word like karma really existed in the 21st century or it is just bluffing around.

Karma(It), the word bolted to me since my teenage because my aunt once told me a story, which I tell you subsequently. It is attached to me whenever I had done something wrong or we can say to disturb my aura to fit myself into it. Throughout my life till today, I had done many bad things in life, just to satisfy my soul because as we grow up the thirst itself grows into a mammoth. And I know "what goes around come around, one day with equal price". I personally believe in it, you know why, 

let's hear the story, then pick out the conclusion on your own, I try to finish it briefly because who has time to give a shit about everything.

The man(alpha), who is old, lethargic, is not earning much from his own village, so his wife suggested he go to a neighboring village for begging for better earning so that they can fulfill their basic necessities. Their alpha spends a few days and earns a lot(Ashrafia/coins), so alpha decides to come back while approaching his village morning slowly converting into the evening and alpha decides to take shelter in (X) house(who runs the cottage industry), the hospitality received by him was unexpected and given unintentionally. Alpha told me to wake me up at 4am, so I reached home soon, after seeing the bag, The (X) house lady filled with gluttony, and suggested to his man(gamma), that I start working early, so it seems to him that its the time to go for his village, and on his way cut his throat. At starting his man, against his wife's idea, but later he agreed. On his way, gamma tried once to cut alpha's throat but he missed, at that moment alpha kicked his mule to move further, but the mule doesn't move an inch, and on another try, gamma succeed. Gamma's life with his wife going well, there is nothing like scarcity and later they had a boy(ray). Ray, grown into an adult and got married to an alluring wife. After few years ray's health starts deteriorating and day-by-day it turned into a severely ill patient, All their money spend on ray's medicine and in hospital bills, but death standing in front of the ray. Before the death of ray, he said to gamma, that I had done my work, when his wife start arguing that why you leaving me so early, ray said "at that time when he(gamma) was trying to cut my throat, I kicked you but you didn't move an inch".


see, I personally believe in it, as when I had done something good or bad, this story reminds me of the conclusion that how it gonna be. 
In the end, I would like to ask the few questions that "karma, existed in your life ?", " Do you still believe it in the 21st century?", " if Yes, then How does it affects your destiny?". I know it is a deep-rooted word, but somehow it plays a pivotal role in our life.



  1. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ Nice Story, Nice thoughts.. Yes Karma exist.

    1. I seen first time you have also another quality like writer
      Carry onπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

  2. If karma really exists, then we have to live our present bit by bit, in order safe our future coz u said karma exists, so whats next?

    1. So next future event or any thing that will happen in your future will be based on your past actions. Very simple example, if you haven't prepared for exam then you will definitely fail. Another example if you hurt someone intentionally then that person will hurt you too even maybe results will be worse.

    2. Absolutely true, elaborated well with good defined examples.

  3. just listen to your (inner voice) before commending any action.


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