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Hey bro, can you buy me the bottle of water, I know the shop resides in your locality i.e " locally ". Just gave a shot that you have to "walk" and everything gets done, without using any vehicle, just because everything is at hand " locally ". We bought fruits from the "local" market, we bought cheerfulness from the "domestic" market, we bought lonely enjoying things from the "domestic" market. Is it sufficient for the word " locally " or " domestic ", or do I need to do more for the "Pleasure"? Don't you contemplate "Pleasure" in itself is a very contrasting word, even the Oxford dictionary and Google both carry different meanings and for "Human Being" it is of different level sort of thing, it's healthier not ๐Ÿšซ to talk about that here? Suppose you were driving your car, sitting next to your girlfriend and you have to go through the market area. And in b

The Reset Button

 Suppose, you had invested 2lakh rupees in partnership but your partner flew away with all the money, now you want your money back "which seems to be impossible". You and your partner had a fight and you told the bitterest truth to her which she used to say to herself but don't want to listen from others, "which you can't take that back". If you murdered someone for the sake of lust and now, you are just regretting to revert back the situtation/time "sorry dude you came to the wrong place".

 Imagined you had performed a dance in your friend's marriage and now you along with your companions watching it and you feel really awkward on your dance steps and you said: "what the hell am I doing? what I want to do?" and now you just want to go back make it a little bit informative, "which can't be possible". Now, believed that you said "I love you" to your crush by getting influenced by your friends, and she horribly insulted you, now at that time you were just thinking "maybe I hadn't listened to my friends". 

All the above things want something so that all the dismantled situation gets back to normal, which is not possible without the "Reset Button". You accept it or not "I m gonna tell you it is very very important in our life". I am going to elaborate via a momentary story. Let's bang on it,

"Elixer", who is 8 years old living with parents and elder brother "Viktor". "Elixer" is fine and living a sedentary lifestyle as Childrens used to live. She is much grown up so that she tries to help her mother in every corner of work i.e "Elixer" loved to engage with her mother, "you wanna know why? just stick with the story". She loved to absorbed in her own world i.e with dolls, toys, jewellery, colors, art books. She loves to dance. In a nutshell, she carries her whole day agendas prematurely.

"Viktor", a grown-up guy, fond of teasing her sister unnecessary. Sometimes, "Viktor" scold her to such an extent as it seems, tears knows when to come. "Elixer's" shield always presents there to protect her i.e her mother. The "Elixer" routine is simple, she woke up, then she cried, then play, she eats, then she cried, she played again, she gets some sleep, then again she woke up, then she cried again i.e approximately she cried 4,5 times a day out of which 3,4 times because of "Viktor". Sometimes, she gets so much angry, she starts crying. "you must have to think 4/5 is a huge number if we put 7 zeros to it or we are on the last set of the exercise of our biceps and it is so much pumped that we can't even do one extra rep but our partner is screaming yeah, come' on I want 4/5 more reps".

It seems "Viktor" born to ridicule her, but "Elixer" mother always there to protect her from his so-called "Devil's brother". At such a small age, she tries to cooperate with every situation, try to do every possible work to make her brother cheerful.

"You know, kids are so powerful, so carefree, so contented that even in unwanted/ sad/ miserable/ despondent situation they handled themselves so perfectively both figuratively and psychologically". "You know how they do such a difficult task in a matter of a few seconds?" i.e They know how to use the "Reset Button". You all must have noticed how "Elixer" cried 4/5 times per day, there must be something that she cried so many times in a day. One of the solid reasons that I want to high light is that "maybe she forgets all the things happened to her and every time she cries as it was her first time, "wanna know how"?.

She uses the "Reset Button" i.e by engaging with her toys, the things which she likes the most, etc. She detached herself completely from the incidents which make her sad i.e she destroyed all the bad memories, she doesn't keep anything in her head for more than an hour, "such a huge habit, she carried with herself".

We all are well aware of this fact, we know when to use it or vice versa. But our brain is loaded with tons of information both "necessary and unnecessary". With all the cursed disease present outside, we start suffering from one more disease i.e "Thinking too much disease". 

What happens in this disease is that we forgot to use this button, we start keeping unnecessary talks/data in our head, we start deteriorating from the inside, we start wasting our brain energy in thinking invaluable or farfetched things, even for the things that we know we can do it but still we feel so blessed with that disease. This disease welcomed all other diseases like diabetes, improper functioning of the liver as well as of kidney too. 

Don't lose your inner child who knows about the "Reset Button". I know you are a busy personality who knows all the mantras but still, you are a duffer who wastes his/her precious time in elevating this disease. Be cool, be passive, be alive, just keep that disease at bay, and if it tries to come closer "you know what to do?", just pressed that button.


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