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Hey bro, can you buy me the bottle of water, I know the shop resides in your locality i.e " locally ". Just gave a shot that you have to "walk" and everything gets done, without using any vehicle, just because everything is at hand " locally ". We bought fruits from the "local" market, we bought cheerfulness from the "domestic" market, we bought lonely enjoying things from the "domestic" market. Is it sufficient for the word " locally " or " domestic ", or do I need to do more for the "Pleasure"? Don't you contemplate "Pleasure" in itself is a very contrasting word, even the Oxford dictionary and Google both carry different meanings and for "Human Being" it is of different level sort of thing, it's healthier not 🚫 to talk about that here? Suppose you were driving your car, sitting next to your girlfriend and you have to go through the market area. And in b

Time and Space

 Bridge, which helps in shorten the distance, suppose if it got broken. If your 7-inch foot got an 8-inch shoe, due to that extra space, you just gonna hate it. If you take more than 40-50 seconds gap between sets during exercises then you won't experience that blood flow in your nerve which is supposed to be present, just because of space/gap. The lighting at your home during the festival takes more than promised time to change its state, "how does it look like, awful?"

I am not going to dedicate this blog to science as the topic suggests, as you all know "I love science as much as I hate science". We all are aware of chemistry, which is the full exception but still, we used to score well in that. So, remember exceptions are everywhere. In this blog too, so don't think too much because it's not happened to everyone.

This blog, I choose to write, by keeping in mind, the increment of space/gap with time. That's why I choose the title "Time and Space". These two words play a pivotal role in our life, affecting our day to day life. This blog is on the relationship of father-son, which got worsen due to the space between them, and which got increased with time. This time doesn't just read, just try to get involved in this, try to be a part of this story, try to visualize the situation. Let's crackle it down,

There was a nuclear sort of family consisting of two parents["John" & "Emma"] and their children["Stephen" & "Emily"]. I am not here to talk about their family, I just want to pick "John" and "Stephen". Since starting "John", was a strict father, who used to talk less and he keeps his focus on earning rather than involving in the family. From starting, both "Stephen" & "Emily", attracted to his mother in a positive sense i.e to share all the thoughts, their demands, their wishes, whenever they want money, etc. 

Whenever "John" & "Emma" had a fight, and they don't use to talk to 3,4 days, In that meantime also, "Stephen" & "Emily" always remain with their mother. One day, "John" & "Stephen" have gone somewhere, and there he noticed that one of the children is playing with his father, and his father is running catching him, it was so fascinating to "Stephen" that he can't even control to himself. As soon as, when they reached home, "Stephen" went to his mother and asked, "why don't dad  play with us?" "This is the first realizing state for "Stephen" towards his "dad".

She replied in a very humble way that "your father used to work very hard for both of you, and he came late for most of the nights, so he didn't get much pleasurable time for spending with you". "Stephen" ignored because he was not so sensible to understand that. Then slowly in a gradual manner the gap between "John" and "Stephen" starts increasing with time. "I don't know", what sort of drugs "john" used to take because he never shared his feelings with "Stephen" & "Emily". 

Here, comes the line "Sharing is caring", what sort of caring it really is?. See, When we used to share, we share all our feelings, emotional stress, our pros, and cons, etc. Which helps in creating a bond. What sort of bond? it is a "covalent bond", in which both parties used to share his/her electron for the formation of a bond. But, what's happening here, "Stephen" and "Emily" sharing their electrons with their mother. And "John" is not prepared yet, it may be "he doesn't want to share", or " maybe he thought that their children start thinking that their firm father pillars start fumbling that he is not so strong anymore so that he can withhold his emotions to himself" or "whatever be the reason".

But, everything is going well except the "spacing issue" between "John" & "Stephen". "John", knows that their children didn't share anything, even the money they used to borrow from "Emma". He should know that everything happens with time, if we don't hold that, we start losing control over it. Sometimes, "john" realizes that he was making a mistake but his long-standing queue principles, moral values, self-made decisions, self-explanatory statements, gives him a way that all his entire life, he was correct and he was doing the right thing, as saying goes "It just a matter of perspective".

Now, due to this, the real problem start arousing between "John" & "Stephen"  i.e they both have less understanding between them, both spend much less time together, won't take much interest in a conversation, always want intermediate("Emma", "Emily") for conveying a message, no any sort of problem sharing, conflicts arose because of lack of understanding, "Stephen" never argued with "John" as "Stephen" knows "John" won't listen, or he won't understand.

I am not saying that "john" was wrong, no he wasn't but his upbringing, his environment, his principles, his values won't allow him to do so, even though he wants to do. He has made a long wall of this throughout his life, that he won't be able to broke it. He also feels very bad, but he has spent most of his life in maintaining discipline and to show that he was passive. Whenever "Stephen" listens to his friends that they went there, his/her father bought this for them, "Stephen" feels downhearted, he thought his life is a sin where his father doesn't have time to talk, to play, to share, etc.

I know, all relationships are not of this sort, maybe "Stephen" has made a mistake by not taking a stand to tackle this issue, maybe he won't have much courage to turn the situation. Maybe, from starting "john" was employed and "Emma" spends most of the time with them, Although they need someone for earning as well as for upbringing!

Here is the thing, This is just a small representation of how space got affected with time. So try to remove this space because once it created, it's going to expand more and more without even knowing, Then what we do? then we try to fill the gap which turns the present situation to a worse situation, then we start lying, we start making excuses, honesty doesn't seem to be the best policy, the bond starts getting affected. I know, we all have our principles and values, use them when required, don't always try to show that you are the only solar cell, who can convert heat energy into electric energy. 

Try to be off-track sometimes, try to enjoy rather than molding situation according to yourself. There are judges all around you, that doesn't mean you stop enjoying, set yourself free from your inner principles boundaries, just enjoy carefree, "maybe this is real you, who knows except you!".  

Way to thank me: Subscribe, subscribe, only subscribe :)


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