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Hey bro, can you buy me the bottle of water, I know the shop resides in your locality i.e " locally ". Just gave a shot that you have to "walk" and everything gets done, without using any vehicle, just because everything is at hand " locally ". We bought fruits from the "local" market, we bought cheerfulness from the "domestic" market, we bought lonely enjoying things from the "domestic" market. Is it sufficient for the word " locally " or " domestic ", or do I need to do more for the "Pleasure"? Don't you contemplate "Pleasure" in itself is a very contrasting word, even the Oxford dictionary and Google both carry different meanings and for "Human Being" it is of different level sort of thing, it's healthier not 🚫 to talk about that here? Suppose you were driving your car, sitting next to your girlfriend and you have to go through the market area. And in b

When He Was In Higher Secondary School!

Since we were born, we heard "Health Is Wealth". We all know about it, but very few of us follow this, I don't know why, I think everyone hates following, as each one of us wants to become a leader, or whatever be the reason. Some people love playing with their own lives i.e via "burning their souls" for greed, lust, acrimony, expectations, etc.

You know, in our tradition/custom/culture, soon after the birth i.e after the time when all our senses start working, we get to know the formula for success, wait, "No, we can't say it is for success, in fact, it is for SUFFERING". Can you guess? it's simple, we all are doing since childhood, even I had done and still doing. This alone is not the word, it comes with great cause and effects, which we are unaware of. 

Today, I want to elaborate that word with a brief story of a boy "Zenith", who used this as a tool, but due to lack of awareness, he won't be able to find the ground." are you still busy in thinking of that unforeseen word, it is "GREED".

For a few of us, it is something like well for thirsty people, compared it with "Allopathic", one and only a dedicated path on which, he/she wants to stroll. Although it is the denounce act outside the world but from inside we all used to follow, as I mentioned "very few" of us use this as a "mantra". You all must be thinking that we can take it, as in a positive sense also, "that's I know".

But I wanna tell you that, as we know, every coin has two sides, but "from my 👀 perspective", instead of clearing both the concepts, we must try to focus on one thing to understand better because the other one is just the opposite. Let's see the reflecting side of the mirror.


Zenith was a notorious boy from starting and had too many friends. As his father was a police officer so his father got transferred, and they went to another city which is more developed, more congested. He starts feeling lonely and had too few friends. Since he doesn't have any distraction i.e FRIENDS, there is one thing which he got attracted to, in his class, the thing which he does not give a shit, earlier i.e "Fame", he saw a topper of the class, getting huge fame from friends, teachers, staff members, even from neighbors.

In starting, he does not know, that the seed of "greed" has been sown, "and you know, what is contributing to his seed's growth? his own perspective". So, from here itself, he got the habit of studying till late night just for the junky thing. As we know life is not linear, it contains spikes, which tells that nothing is permanent. His brain has been occupied enough by the roots of "greed", "now you were thinking, how can you say that shobhit? it hasn't been proved yet, so, let's have a glace"

His school provides an opportunity for a foreign tour to top 3 students who secured above the cutoff percentage set by a school in High School Board Exams. "this is a bait to zenith gluttony, and he can do anything to fulfill his greediness". Now, he sets his target, he didn't even think twice. He was preparing at such an effort that he doesn't want to waste even a second of his life. "It seems that this is, a life and death situation for him". He used to study, till late night, solved every previous year papers. Try to solve every mock paper and evaluate it with the help of his friends. Revise every copy multiple times, read every chapter of the English book twice a day. He has put all his efforts to score above the cutoff percentage.

He starts avoiding his friends, he starts missing talks with his family, he has forgotten, when was the last time he sat with his family and discussed anything. He doesn't even bother about festivals either it is Deepawali or Holi," as he thinks he was doing serious hard work, his parents think too, but who knows what's going inside the brain of another person". "for more deeply visualization, let's think about, how aspirants preparing a few days earlier for their UPSC exam, in similar manner zenith's each and every day is passing like this, now you can conceptualize, how horrible his situation is just because of "foreign tour". 

"you wanna know, what happened at last?"

See, life is full of uncertainty and there are only two things which are certain i.e Life and Death, and zenith's life is not different from us. The result came, he was too afraid, As he opened he count only the deducted number from the result and the percentage was above his expectation. He was extremely delighted he called his friends, buy some sweets to distribute. "But, who knows what's coming". 


He gets to know that his percentage was not above the cutoff percentage of school, as they set the cutoff percentage based on the average of the top three students. In Nutshell, he hasn't qualified his Greediness, although "he was not prepared for what has been thrown on him by his (life+Greed). The Aftermath situation is extremely horrible for him.

Expectations and Greediness are the two horns of the Devil's head, which can destroy anyone without even knowing. we should have to understand that every flower in the forest doesn't smell. We gain nothing except gloominess, despair, helplessness. It is like a curse to our life, who destroy us completely from inside pieces into pieces. There is one way, you all get to know that you are suffering from these illnesses or not i.e The day when it has been sown into your head, you start lying to yourself. While, on the other side if not, then don't worry report card is preparing and soon be available to you.

You know what, sometimes our brain doesn't fit in the environment in which we are, because of the information present in it. And while reading this blog, your brain must be screaming near to your ear, that "there is a positive side also", "there is a positive side also". Our brain has a habit of seeing things differently. You all are very intelligent and you all have god gifted eyes to see the positive side, but don't forget, Sometimes we have to jump into the potholes to get to know "oh✋, I made a mistake, I'll never do it again, as I understood this is not the right path".




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