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Hey bro, can you buy me the bottle of water, I know the shop resides in your locality i.e " locally ". Just gave a shot that you have to "walk" and everything gets done, without using any vehicle, just because everything is at hand " locally ". We bought fruits from the "local" market, we bought cheerfulness from the "domestic" market, we bought lonely enjoying things from the "domestic" market. Is it sufficient for the word " locally " or " domestic ", or do I need to do more for the "Pleasure"? Don't you contemplate "Pleasure" in itself is a very contrasting word, even the Oxford dictionary and Google both carry different meanings and for "Human Being" it is of different level sort of thing, it's healthier not 🚫 to talk about that here? Suppose you were driving your car, sitting next to your girlfriend and you have to go through the market area. And in b

Contrary to Rocket Science

 Bro, can you pass a glass of water. Bro, can you please bring my shoes. Bro, can you bring a cigarette for me. Bro, can you please bring juice for me. Bro, Broo, Brooo, Brooooo.............please stop!.  Both above statements seem such a fed-up calling, hence what answer could we expect in return "off course", "please stop". The person summoning his "Bro" again and again guaranteed missing something.

Husband and wife went to a grocery shop "as it is an exception, but still, let it be". Definitely, they make their way to a nearby grocery shop. When he starts reiterating his listed items, he got shocked "You know why?". Let me assist you with this, when he uttered, give that soap, the shopkeeper said but bhabhi Ji likes this one." ok no worry about that". The next time when he mentioned, give that biscuit, the shopkeeper remarked but bhabhi Ji like that one "ok again, no trouble with that". But when he asked for chocolate, the shopkeeper replied but bhabhi Ji like strawberry, "now, it went against the law, and you all can effortlessly conclude what had happened". Ok, apart from this "what is the fundamental thing shopkeeper and bhabhi Ji carrying in the domain of "Grocery Item's""?, The answer would be "UNDERSTANDING".

In this diary, the part that I want to chew over is ubiquitous plus we all are aware of that, but still, we don't follow as we all hate following, apart from fashion. I had discussed earlier if you all are conscious of my blogs about "coin". As always we all know both sides of the "coin," but the fact is "our brain picked only shiny surfaces" or "our brain busy in computing other important tasks". Let don't misspend much time and let's sow the seed.

"Zane" was living with his mother and his father. "I will tell you how the "Zane" was," He was straightforward as "Democracy," He was fast as "Snail," He was active as "Giant Panda," He was stormy as "Ocean/Meditation," He was ordinary as "Salman Khan of RACE-3," He was Famous as "Safety Pin In Field," He was selfless as "Wolves," He was open/broad-minded as "Obsessive Boyfriend,". His mother and father were a great personality and inspirational for "Zane," but we don't have to go there as we are discussing another issue.

In "Zane" early times, his family was rearing a dog whom he loves the most, and that dog appeared to be the one and only thing in life on whom he had to focus. "Zane" starts loving his dog, although fondness neither can't be defined nor can't be shown, here are the few things through which we can say that yes, "Zane" loves his dog too much. He starts giving his spare time along with study time to his dog. He once in a while bought one or two things while coming back from school, in fact, he left some of his food in his lunch box to share with his dog, although his dog got his stomach full on time by his family but still "Love is Love", and for others, it is like the expression which got flew away. He fulfills all his needs i.e if his doggo doesn't want to rest outside, he was ok, to keep him in his room, If his doggy doesn't want to get tied up, "Zane" was fine with this too, and he keeps him untied all day long.

Acidic truth "Everyone has to die one day". As his doggo keeps getting bigger slowly but surely. After a few years, she got pregnant and gave birth to 4-5 puppies. At that sort of rhythm "Zane," affection towards his dog grew substantial and become more shiner like the sun rises near the horizon and then went up high to poles. One by one his dog babies start dying and due to this "Zane" dog becomes more irritable and gradually got mad, even the nonliving teddy bear appeared to be her baby to his dog. When they went to Dog clinic, Doctor told them that she was suffering from "jaundice". She was not eating even a single bite, she stops drinking water. She was not coming even when "Zane" was calling her, she stops responding to each and every call. She cried, howl, shed tears all night long, and "Zane" would not be able to respond to her calls as the doctor said earlier that nothing can be done. All went like this whole night and the next morning, she has gone. There was silence all around, "Zane" wouldn't stop crying as he doesn't know that this is life. Days passed like this. 

As "Zane" grew older with the fact that "Time heals everything". After that eventuality, he had become stronger emotionally. He passed his high school with flying colors and started studying more for his Higher Secondary School. While integrating his life, he learned one thing that he would never rear any pet. Even though, he was carrying attachment for the dogs, so he starts sharing his love for street dogs. Every day he went and give 2,3 chapati's to them and then he used to play with them i.e roughly, he used to spend one hour with them that was also in installments. "As we all have one favorite color, one favorite pajamas, one favorite multivitamin" similarly "Zane" had chosen his best-loved dog and he called him "Droit". "Droit" was poles apart in his circle as he has a distinct bone structure and he looks bigger even at his small age just because of his genetics.

Whenever "Zane" makes his way to give chapati's "Droit" was the one who used to jump and wants to snatch all of them i.e he wants more and more. As days were passing, even a small portion of food showing real good growth in "Droit". So instead of chapati, "Zane" switched to chicken since he got fascinated by his magnificent growth and "Zane" wants to saw him getting bigger and bigger. But as days passing by, the "Droit" norm of snatching had been increasing gradually because every time "Zane" scolds "Droit" to be in one place and not to make a hurry but "Droit" doesn't want to listen, he sees only chicken or chapati. Every day, when "Zane" dispenses some foody stuff among dogs, "Droit" does the same. For a few days, "Zane" went to fed dogs but he ignored "Droit". "Zane" observed few days by not giving him any sort of food. Then three to four days later, when he went to fed "Droit" he remains the same, "Zane" got irritated and then he castigated him severely and came back to his house.

After all this time "Zane" was doing something impossible or maybe it had happened, it did not remain the same. "You all know, what "Zane" wants to do?," "NO, it's all right". As usual "Zane" went to his balcony at night and he starts observing "Droit", as he was playing with other dogs, he seems to very cheerful that day because he got his favorite food i.e chicken plus chapati. As "Zane" called him from his balcony "Droit" went on running towards him and started playing with himself to show "Zane" that how contented he was. "Zane," noticed one thing, which he was ignoring from day one, and from the next day onwards, "Zane" starts treating him the way "Droit" was. "I think, now you all got your answer".

"Now, it's time to reveal", Here "Zane" wants to become high and mighty, and he wants "Droit" to behave the way he wants. But "Droit" sticks to his identity. "Zane" only seeing one side of the coin i.e he wants to transpose "Droit", but at that night, when he was standing on his balcony, He thought "why not I should treat him the way he was", "why not I should accept his behavior and identity," "How should I forget to realize that there are always two sides of the coin," and this was the other side, which I am not able to catch the sight just because I am busy in persuading "Droit" to change.

Hence, it does not involve any rocket science, see by simply observing the situation we get the solutions to all the problems. This appears to be the only funda of living a jovial life. Don't change others, change yourself. Just be like water, as we all are warm-blooded species, hence we all inherited the characteristics of ADAPTABILITY. Treat the same way others are, don't force anyone to change his/her identity. Everyone has their own extra-special characteristics. Even if he/she got transposed, they will not remain the same. By accepting them as they are, makes the bond stronger and you get more time to understand each other, and then you will see how contented your relation will be. Accepting the truth/reality is not easy even for me also but don't hesitate, this is life as we have to be strong each and every day. Accept the reality no matter how it is, bitter or insanely sweet because we devote much of our life sculpting others.


  1. You said the idealistic things...
    But the fact is we ignore all these things when we were in that situations.

    But it's good to accept the same.

    1. All the things which are beyond our reach seems IDEALISTIC,
      but don't worry, i know if ZANE can do it, every one can do it :)

      thanks for taking the time to read.

  2. After reading:
    If I decode your feelings:
    Feels good
    Sb moh maya hai

    1. Thanks a ton for decoding my feelings,
      i'm really grateful, if it feels good to you

      hahaha, sb moh maya h (nice)

    2. Output:
      Feels good ��


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