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Hey bro, can you buy me the bottle of water, I know the shop resides in your locality i.e " locally ". Just gave a shot that you have to "walk" and everything gets done, without using any vehicle, just because everything is at hand " locally ". We bought fruits from the "local" market, we bought cheerfulness from the "domestic" market, we bought lonely enjoying things from the "domestic" market. Is it sufficient for the word " locally " or " domestic ", or do I need to do more for the "Pleasure"? Don't you contemplate "Pleasure" in itself is a very contrasting word, even the Oxford dictionary and Google both carry different meanings and for "Human Being" it is of different level sort of thing, it's healthier not 🚫 to talk about that here? Suppose you were driving your car, sitting next to your girlfriend and you have to go through the market area. And in b

Who am i ?

 You were sleeping, and suddenly some anonymous person knocks on your door, you woke up, and the first statement you swept through your mouth was "who are you?". On another day, you were strolling in the park i.e morning walk along with your daughter, the man going in front of you passed a smile, and you looked at your daughter and asked: "who is he?". On some working day, you were executing some task in your office customary and the girl came to your desk and said "hey, hi, how you doing?", then you rigorously waiting for the lunchtime that you usually do with your colleague and when the time came you told him about that girl, and he said, "who is she? did you talk to her? blah blah".

In short, I want to say how effortlessly and as flat as a pancake we passed that statement "who are you?", I know that it is a conspicuous statement. As we all are aware of one of the amazing facts i.e humans carried a nature of harvesting easy task, just because it takes less time than difficult one, second, we don't have to put many endeavors, third and the most astonishing reason is, we don't need anyone assist. Did we ever asked "who I am?", "what's my purpose in this beautiful life?", "what I had done for myself?". I know these were that interrogative questions, which passed through our mind "rarely". I want to append that, I know all humans are poles apart, hence "peculiarity is always there" as we all had passed 11&12th, and we all had studied chemistry which is full of special cases, still, we studied that, so don't skip this blog too 😊.

Here in this blog, I have scrutinized something that is very common between us but still, we need some superficial force. And yes, let me tell you something "Internal environment affects us more than our External environment", hence we have to read "equilibrium" again "really", Nah, just kidding πŸ˜…. Let's start our story.

"Henry", the middle-class boy lived with his father and mother. Father "John", did a job in the capitalistic system and earning not much and his mother was a "house maker". Due to their stunted income, "Henry's" father remains downhearted. His father believed in laborious work. "John" used to talk very less, always busy with his work, like he had become obsessed to improve his family income as well condition. "John" never spends his single penny unnecessarily, and he always scolds "Henry" for buying worthless things. As "John" used to talk less, so "Henry" thought by serving as a helping hand to his father, He could acquire the opportunity to talk to his father, but no, "John" remains hushed and he hates if any member of his family sits ideal or waste time. According to his situation, "Henry" starts planting more and more trees", to establish a connection between him and his father" John which in fact require a lot of labor work". But "John" as always told "Henry" "yes, you can do much better". If "Henry" had done anything which was beyond his restraint, still "John" like an old hat, said, yeah, "you can do much better". In short, his father never got well pleased.

At the age of 14 "Henry" left his house for the purpose of self-dependence. "Henry" had started his own business and moderately earning a lot of money. Uptu the age of 19, he had become totally self-dependent and money was not the problem anymore. One day, his mother called him and said come home as soon as you can, your father suffering from cancer. On next morning, he was there with his family. He had left everything there. He shells out all his money on curing his father's disease. One day he was too tired, then he went to saw his father, "Henry" was sitting wordlessly, suddenly his father said: "Son, I know "you can do much better than this", still "John" was not satisfied at all. "Henry" was broken into pieces but somehow he has taken care of himself because he was the only child. And he started searching for a job. In the long run, he finds a job in "Real Estate". As usual, he was a devoted and hardworking guy. He had given his 100%, he works late at night, he never went home until he had not completed his office work. 

One day his manager saw his dedication and said "you the only employee who is enthusiastic towards work, nice, I am proud of you, keep going and keep working like this". This compliment seems to be awkward to "Henry" because no-one in his whole life tenure, had shown confidence in him, someone has demonstrated trust in him. On that day he was very happy. He remained miserable in his previous days but from that day onwards, He starts saying to himself that "I am the smartest person in the company", he reiterated it 10 times, 100 times, even 1000 times in a day i.e while bathing while eating while walking or roaming. This has transformed his life completely, his view towards himself substituted. He started looking at himself from a very dissimilar angle. At last, he gets to know "who he is". Later he had become a very great real estate agent. Subsequently, he started saying to himself that "he was the best seller of the company", he again repeated that method and reiterated that again 10, 100, 1000 times in a day, and thereafter he had become one of the largest selling real estate agent.

See, the mind is so powerful object that we used to carry throughout our life. Although at first, "Henry" doesn't know "who he is", He always struggled hard to impress his father but his father never got pleased. But after joining the real estate business, someone had just given him a lighter and he used that lighter to light up his own world. He gets to know who he really is. Previously "Henry" was just a common person, who had had a very narrowed perspective towards himself just because of his father's "yes you read right", it was just because of his father. As we all know, there are spots everywhere, but it is not compulsory to point out those frequently. Instead of discouraging, "John" should have tried to encourage "Henry". As life is unpredictable, and we should never forget about "DESTINY", for some it takes days to change and for others, it can change overnight.

Take away from the story, firstly we can train our mind irrespective of our external environment. Secondly, Conversation is the only way, we can shorten the bridge between the two. Thirdly, showing some faith, and giving a TRUE compliment can change someone's life.

Hence, we can make ourselves miserable or we can make ourselves strong. The amount of effort is the same. It is so easy to program your mind, but people don't ever try. So, instead of asking questions to the outer world, just stare at yourself and asked "WHO AM I?", "HOW I CAN ALTER MY PRESENT CONDITIONS?", "HOW DO I TRAINED MY MIND SO THAT I CAN CHANGE MY OWN PERSPECTIVE?".


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