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Hey bro, can you buy me the bottle of water, I know the shop resides in your locality i.e " locally ". Just gave a shot that you have to "walk" and everything gets done, without using any vehicle, just because everything is at hand " locally ". We bought fruits from the "local" market, we bought cheerfulness from the "domestic" market, we bought lonely enjoying things from the "domestic" market. Is it sufficient for the word " locally " or " domestic ", or do I need to do more for the "Pleasure"? Don't you contemplate "Pleasure" in itself is a very contrasting word, even the Oxford dictionary and Google both carry different meanings and for "Human Being" it is of different level sort of thing, it's healthier not 🚫 to talk about that here? Suppose you were driving your car, sitting next to your girlfriend and you have to go through the market area. And in b

That One Week

 7 days, 168 hours, 10080 minutes, 604800 seconds. Yes, you read right that's all contained in 1 week. See, such a long time we have as we can do anything if we want but "you know what I had done", I had experienced such a great or "I can say", most reflective acknowledgment of the other person. "Before writing this blog, I thought everyone has their own perspective but more than one person saying the same thing means something. 

It is not just a blog, take it as a serious note or I can say try to consider it because "It REALLY EXIST". This time I don't want to convey a message indirectly in fact I got" permission" to write the whole conversation "as it is". 


After these 7 days, it changes my perspective completely and I will try to change yours too. I think we should start our blog without wasting any minute.


Chapter:- 1

Local, "yes you read right, "local", I know what is the first thing strikes to your mind in regards of this word i.e cheap, nasty, dilapidated, etc." Maybe I want to say something else i.e what's my perspective is saying that Local means domestic, community, town, provincial, internal, etc,. What we can infer from this that we have the very poor habit of judging at the same instinct of time. I am talking about "FRIEND'S REQUEST". Let's have that conversation.

She: People send lots of request on social media account. Me: Ignore it. She: Some of them are mutual, so I accept a few of them. Me: So, what's the matter?. She: "Replying" is the matter. Me: Would you please elaborate?. She: See, In starting everything is going fine. But I don't know, what happens to boys i.e after 2 to 3 hours later they start showing their real faces. Me: Means?. She: Let me tell you one thing, They(boys) have that so-called "supernatural power" i.e they predict not their future but in fact, they start predicting the future of "us".

She: Now the real problem starts, they start showing that they are the only person in the whole world who is responsible for taking care of mine. What's interesting is that we haven't passed even a day and they start behaving like a "you know, what I mean". Me: Means boyfriend, daddy?. She: yes you are right in short "OBSESSIVE PERSON". Me: Then?, "sorry for asking", but I want to know "then?". She: Let me help you in imagining the situation. Suppose there was a seller, and he wants to sell his thing "at any cost". Then what he does. He keeps on repeating the advantages of his product, He keeps on recalling your name until you start giving him attention, He keeps on tracking your path, He keeps on doing his infinite attempts "just for a simple/ ordinary/ manipulative product". We all know what we do in that sort of case. 

She: Then what "REPLY" you can expect from a Girl. Me: Mean you blocked them and move on?. She: What you thought, Is it that simple?. Now here another so-called "MALE EGO" arrived. They start sending "unwanted pictures/ messages"  which tear you out completely up to the extent that you just start hating everything at that sort of moment.


Chapter:- 2

Branded, personally, I love to wear Branded clothes. People love it too. But, up to that extent, I don't know that(: XD). Here I want to put the conversation of our second pillar. The topic which she wants to discuss is too common for us, like the fact which is known to all "SUN RISES IN THE EAST AND SUNSET IN THE WEST".

Me: Want to discuss more?. She: Yes, I think I should tell you because I can "TRUST" you. Me: Are you sure?, as I am going to publish it as I already told you that. She: Yup, but please don't disclose my name. Me: Don't worry.

Me: Yes, tell me. She: I love to remain fresh all day. Me: Fresh?. She: I like to sustain my freshness all day long but not anymore. Me: Why?, What's the problem("with a little bit of smile") with that?. She: Problem? Perspective is the problem. Inner dirtiness is the problem. Instead of looking at my face, They(Boys) love to look or (the most correct word we can use here can be "stare") at another side is the problem. Not playing by their rules is the problem. Wearing a loose t-shirt is the problem. Wearing shorts is the problem. The visibility of BRA strips is the problem. You know what, they are so drowned in the lust, that even bending or bowing seems to be a problem nowadays.

 Me: Ummm.......... . She: Yes, I know nothing can be done. Me: You have just entered adolescence age, so how did you get to know all these feelings. She: Let me tell you one instance: there are many but to judge, one is enough. There was a boy who lived in front of my house. Although my house is not fully covered. It was the time of summer. As you know, how people used to wear in summers so I am not different. I used to wear shorts and a loose t-shirt. As when I went outside in those outfits, I don't know how he gets to know that I am outside my home. Then he came and used to watch me, my clothes in such a way that he wants me or more clearly I can say, He wants something from me. 

She: You know, It felt so embarrassing that I can't even face him and I never contact my eyes with those "WANT SOMETHING, FULL OF LUST, WANT TO JUST rip YOUR SOUL" eyes. I can't tell your more, the more I am telling you, the more I am feeling it currently. From that time onwards I changed myself. I start living a simple life, stopped doing makeup which  I used to do occasionally, You know why? Just because I should look DIRTY or a simpler word I can say is "unattractive".

"Although she had shown courage, the one who had suffered know better. She was left as she doesn't want to talk further on that topic."


Chapter: 3

In today's time, young aspirants are touching Moons, navigating Mars, analyzing Sun, and much more. while on the other side, there are other aspirants too who are achieving feat but in unique sort of field.

This is the last and final chapter, which she wants to discuss. 

Me: So, what are your hobbies?. She: My hobbies? Ummm... Dancing, Cooking, Roaming especially at night, Listen to music. Me: Okay, anyone special?. She: Roaming. Me: Great. Can you tell me how did you enjoy that special hobby?. She: I stopped enjoying. Me: Stopped? why you stooped maybe you become a traveler vlogger in the future. She: Yup. this would be possible but. Me: But?. She: Let me help you. I used to go to a mobile recharge shop two/three times a month. But one day, I Don't know what happen to that guy who used to sit in that shop, He said "Hey, how are you?", First I got surprised then I thought it is better to stay quiet means just ignoring him. Then within a second, I went from there.

She: I am stepping my each and every foot towards my home as fast as I can. But suddenly He came by my side and said: "talk to me, this is my number keep it". I GOT SCARED. He again said " I like you, say something. And then He holds my hand with a tight grip. My heart starts pumping 150-160 beats per minute. More and more blood starts flowing into my nerves. I started sweating. My eyes bulge out, they filled with water. You know what I felt at that sort of moment "that I want to do something but I won't be able to do anything, I won't be able to lift my single arm also, I got that much of frightened". Me: Then?. She: I just threw his hand and ran from there. It took 2, 3 days to stabilize myself or to come back from that trauma.

She: Have you seen, up to what extent they can go just for the sake of talk and want to carry the tag of "She is my bndi" or " she is my girlfriend". But from the core of his heart, we all know what he wants. He just to have sex with me or to have a one-night stand. I can see the lust in his eyes that night.


I am male too. But after listening to all these, it doesn't mean I got offended. What I infer from these is that:

>> If any girl is smiling that doesn't mean she is liking all your jokes, it may be possible she was just ignoring it with a happy face. So, try not to harass any girl, not even in jokes.

>> If any girl is talking to you, that doesn't mean she is interested in you. Don't make your own perspective. 

>> Everyone knows about good touch or a bad touch. Please try to control your overwhelming feeling.

>> If she enjoys your company that doesn't mean you have acquired all her rights.

>> Try to give such a protective environment as she used to feel when she was with her father. Embrace them, Protect them, try not to Harass them, Stop convincing her of unnecessary things. JUST BE CLEAN OR ACT AS A PURE SOUL. IT FELT GREAT. I PROMISE YOU. BUT PLEASE STOP THESE nuisances. 

I want to end this blog with the research which I have read in the newspaper. 

As we know the number of users got spurred in online dating apps. "You all got shocked", the ratio of male to female on average on all online dating apps is  400:1

Rest is up to you. Instead of changing her, change yourself. START FROM TODAY ITSELF.

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  1. Kya hi bola jaye writer saab (😎🤏🏻🕶️😊👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻) outstanding

  2. Replies
    1. I want you to know how much I value your support :)


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