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Hey bro, can you buy me the bottle of water, I know the shop resides in your locality i.e " locally ". Just gave a shot that you have to "walk" and everything gets done, without using any vehicle, just because everything is at hand " locally ". We bought fruits from the "local" market, we bought cheerfulness from the "domestic" market, we bought lonely enjoying things from the "domestic" market. Is it sufficient for the word " locally " or " domestic ", or do I need to do more for the "Pleasure"? Don't you contemplate "Pleasure" in itself is a very contrasting word, even the Oxford dictionary and Google both carry different meanings and for "Human Being" it is of different level sort of thing, it's healthier not 🚫 to talk about that here? Suppose you were driving your car, sitting next to your girlfriend and you have to go through the market area. And in b

Just A Tad Bit More

 Im-possible, Im-practical, Im-practicable, Im-plausible, yeah we all have learned these words. "Oops, sorry", not learned in fact inherited by our lovely society. As we all know, that these words are known as "Negative" because they wouldn't help us in achieving our desired target !!, "Nah, I don't think so". Do you know what I think? I think they are negative because of that prefix "(Im)". Then you all said, Shobhit, both reflecting the same meaning. Yeah, you are right but rather than considering these words as a "fact", just try to focus on each and every word, In a nutshell, try to do "severance" or "Bifurgate" or in simple language "संधि विच्छेद".

No, shobhit didn't get the above paragraph. Well, Well, okay No problem. Let's recall the famous example. There was a glass half-filled with water. The person who sees it as half-emptied will want more, he/she starts craving for more, but while on the other side, the other person sees it as half-filled, he/she doesn't feel the need for anything more. Similarly, when a person reads the word "impossible" as it is, then the task seems difficult but by doing "severance" or with a little modification between "I" and "M", it can be read as "I'm possible" then you always try to achieve it and chances are that you will achieve definitely.

See, just by doing a little thing or instead of concentrating on its meaning, we tried to concentrate on each and every word and wallah! we deciphered its real meaning. I hope now it would be easy to grasp the concept behind this blog. Well, I don't like the language which went over your head, I always tried to remain simple as I am, that is why the examples that I gave with the help of the stories seem to be lethargic/boring/simple/easy to manipulate but at least these are real-life examples or experiences, whatever we would like to call it.

Hence, set back, stop your regular size manipulative mind. Let me give you the touch on this blog. This blog is all about "Pushing a bit" i.e "Just a little bit more" so that the work you are doing becomes possible, plausible, or practicable. It contains 2 real-life examples.  So I request you to be an open-minded person such that more information could get someplace. Let's begin.....



"Rouge" and "Stefen" were two like brothers born from different mothers. They both went to a bike repairing shop around 30 to 35 km away from home. "Oops, sorry. Let me introduced both". 

"Rouge", was a sort of a person who kept a very keen interest in small topics. In a nutshell, his behavior was similar to a "Researchers". Most of the time, he used to remain silent i.e little bit shy person. 

While on the other hand "Stefen", he was sort of the guy, who tried to live in the moment. Friendly in nature. And one the most important thing was that they both are of the same age group. Which means "no superiority competition among them".

 As "Rouge," was the rider, so he had his own crazy bike. Which he used to roam here and there, doing stunts, and all the stuff that other bikers do i.e going on long a ride on a bike instead of a car. One day he said, "Stefen" when you were free? "Stefen" replied, on Sunday. Then "Rouge," said ok, let's go "Alpha Motorsports World", as little modification has to be done onto my bike. "Stefen," said ok, let's meet on Sunday.

They both went on Sunday, reached there, work had been started on the bike. The owner said it may take 2 to 3 hours. Then they both went to eat something, as they haven't eaten anything since morning. After 3 hours when they returned, they checked all the listed items, all looks fine. "Yup, now it's payment time". As they don't have enough cash, UPI was also not allowed in that shop. That means they both have to arrange money in cash.

Went in search of an ATM. Walking,,, had past 30 minutes, and they won't be able to find any ATM in working condition. When they came on the verge of extinction, "Stefen" said "Rouge" let's go, we can request them to take UPI, No ATM was working in this vicinity. Then "Rouge," said, "Bro, Stefen" let's go on that side of the road, maybe we can find one. "Stefen," said, sorry "Rouge", I think we should go back as we have checked all ATMs, no one is working.

"Rouge," said just a little bit more "Stefen", I know we got tired, we are out since morning, and we both want to go home. Let's try that way also and I swear to god, after that we will return definitely. "Rough," bro, there is nothing. I think we should go back, and start requesting him for UPI. He said wait, please Just a little bit more, please brother. "Stefen," said ok. let's go. when they reached there "Stefen" got astonished, as there was an ATM in fully working condition, and both having a big smile on their face. And then they got their cash successfully. "Stefen," asked, how "Rouge,?". "Rouge," said... it's all intuition "Stefen", as it is coming directly from heart that "Just a little bit more" and we will definitely reach our destination and see, we got it", isn't it awesome?," Stefen". Cool, replied "Stefen".


Story - 2

This is a father and a son story. Father named "Bob" and his son named "Duke". "Bob" was basically from a farmer's family. Who carried itty bitty knowledge of it. But through life experiences, he gets "pro" in planting trees, knows many trees names, knows which season is best for which plant, which plants healed which disease, which plant is bad or which one is good, etc. Although "Bob" was a working man, who do service in a private firm. He worked full-time as a farmer on holidays.

"Duke" was his child. Who was studying in college and came home to spend some quality time with family. He won't take much interest in plants/trees. But he used to saw his father working hard for each and every tree/plant. "Bob" never involved his son in doing these things. But one day, he caught "Duke" and asked him to do some help. "Duke" came and said "yes", what I can do for you "my great farmer father".

"Bob said, we have to plant this mango sapling. And he told him one amazing fact that "the person who has eaten his own mango tree fruits {condition: plant must be planted by himself only} was considered as very lucky". But every time "Bob" plant mango sampling, it won't grow and got dead in 2,3 months later. But this time, he thought let's "Duke" plant this one, maybe he could be the lucky one. They started doing their work. Digging...Digging....until unless there would not be any brick in that place, as roots need full space to get spread. 

As "Duke" digging and breaking bricks with the help of a metal rod weighted around 10-12 kg. Whenever he gets tired, "Bob," said, "Duke" you are such a young man, and got tired so soon?. The children of your age dug the well in a day and drank water from it. And you won't be able to do small holes. "Duke" looked vividly towards "BOB". "Duke," said, DAD, there were bricks all around, I think we should stop digging. "Bob" replied "No, Duke", just a little bit more and you got your soft clay. "No dad, it's never gonna happen". "Duke?" don't lose hope, my child. Dad, it's been 2 hours and we haven't found anything except bricks, No problem replied "Bob".

After a few more minutes of digging, "Duke" starts finding soft clay. He was very happy by seeing that. And said, "yes, Dad you are right, just by putting a little bit more effort, we got our thing". "Yes, my child replied "Bob". After that, they both joined their hand while planting mango saplings and hope for the best.


"Yeah, I know what you all were thinking". The blog has become too long but don't worry, it only happens once or twice a month. Yes, we all read both stories. And we all got to know the basic idea behind "Just A Little Bit More". The above two stories you read are based on Real Events.

See, we all stood in past or we will be going to stand in a position where we think of giving up. Don't worry it's human nature. But we can go beyond Human Limits. Do you know why we give up, why we choose alternate tasks? because our minds always find an easy pissy way to get things done. Hence our body got synchronized with our beautiful mind and wallah, we came out from that difficult situation. where we can develop our minds, can push our limits, can learn more about patience. But No, We want an easy one, as we have other works to do. 

Let me tell you one major fact, "habits help in identifying the sort of the person he/she is". And yes, don't take it wrong by making another excuse that, "oh, Shobhit is talking about HARDWORK and SMART WORK", nope please read the title carefully. I am just talking about work, who needs a little bit more push to get it done, I am talking about "Just A Little Bit More".


Don't lose hope

You should try to control your mind, the contrary makes it worse. 

Make a good habit of pushing your limits by 0.1 % every day and at the end of the year, it becomes nearly 37%. ( Don't go in the calculation, it's my part and I had done it :)

Make only good habits as after a few days or months it would become your identity. Hence Your Identity is in your hands.

Believe in your inner voice, don't suppress it. Starts hearing now otherwise it got suppressed and there would be no one left to tell you what is right and what is wrong.



For more, You all can >>>>> Follow me on Linkedin :)


  1. It's quite relatable...well done buddy ☺️

    1. I really appreciate your efforts in reading my blogs. Thank you :)

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you my brother. Honestly, Your small talks motivates me.


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