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Hey bro, can you buy me the bottle of water, I know the shop resides in your locality i.e " locally ". Just gave a shot that you have to "walk" and everything gets done, without using any vehicle, just because everything is at hand " locally ". We bought fruits from the "local" market, we bought cheerfulness from the "domestic" market, we bought lonely enjoying things from the "domestic" market. Is it sufficient for the word " locally " or " domestic ", or do I need to do more for the "Pleasure"? Don't you contemplate "Pleasure" in itself is a very contrasting word, even the Oxford dictionary and Google both carry different meanings and for "Human Being" it is of different level sort of thing, it's healthier not 🚫 to talk about that here? Suppose you were driving your car, sitting next to your girlfriend and you have to go through the market area. And in b

Dowry System

 We all have studied science. And we are fully enlightened with "Thermodynamic". As there are three genres of "Systems", Open SystemsClosed Systems, and Isolated Systems. "I know, we are not here to study chemistry", but to understand the system properly, first we have studied these. "Open System", is a system that can exchange both energy and matter with its surrounding. "Closed System", only exchanges energy not the matter with its surrounding. And at last "Isolated System": that neither exchange matter/mass nor energy with its surrounding.

So according to the above paragraph, we can say that the "Dowry System" is like an "Open System". In which both "Matter" and "Energy" got exchanged with its surrounding. To magnify our thinking zone, let's define, "What is Dowry System? it is that system in which valuable goods, lots of money in the form of cash, property either movable or immovable gives to the groom, or indirectly to his parents or his relatives. Isn't it great for the "Groom" or "Bridegroom"? that things are coming free of cost along with the "Girl". "STRICTLY DENOUNCED ACT". 

To understand this, let's scratch its "History". The Dowry system is basically is not the "Indian" tradition, it has its roots in "Medieval Times". Even In the past in"19th" centuries, "Indians" don't know about this. As they are only acquainted with the "Barter System", in which participants exchanges "Goods and Services" for other "Goods and Services". According to "History", "Portugal", had gifted "Bombay" to the "British Crown" as part of the "Dowry" of "Queen Catherine" in 1662. In the nutshell, we can say that it is the "Western Culture".

As evolution was occurring in terms of "Fashion", "Tradition", "Money-Market", "Manufacturing", and most importantly in terms of "Socialization". "India" had adopted many "Virtuous" as well "Nasty" customs from "Western Culture". Even now i.e in the "21st Century", this practice got increased 200 times. "I know, we can't condemn "Western Culture" for everything as the saying goes "as you sow, so shall you reap".

Okay, according to the title, "Dowry System: A blot on Indian's Face", why is it so?. let me show you how and in later "lines" or paragraphs, I'm gonna extend this "Title". So, let's start the crux of this blog.

Marriage, is the social and legal contract between two individuals that unites their lives legally, emotionally, and economically. "This is it?", No. According to "Hindu Tradition", yes, you read right "Hindu Tradition", it is the bond between two individuals, coming from unknown families, gonna share their whole lives with each other along with "Girl's" cost value. "Oh, what did I wrote?, Cost Value?" or more transparently "Net Value". "Going above your heads?". Okay, see, presume the "Boy's" family had spent 10,000 Rupees in the marriage and while on the other hand, the "Girl's" family had spent 52,000 rupees, then the "Net Value" comes out to be "42,000 Rupees".

Still, this "Net Value" is equivalent to "Zero", because all that stuff got distributed among "Boy's" relatives or in family members. "I think, I am going sprightly, isn't it?". "My school of thought"- Marriage occurs betwixt two individuals, not between the boy and the "Stuff- as dowry". By the way, according to the "Indian" mentality, it is the trouble-free way to capture all the wealth, to fulfill all their wishes, or to get what they want "as they think that the stuff they are getting got misplaced somewhere in the past". "Hey, wait!, I am not saying "Indian Parents" are greedy". But when it comes to "Dowry", they automatically acquired that nature, in that meantime, they want everything, without asking anything.

Too harsh!!, okay let's disclose "Girl's" side. let me tell you one story. There is a state named "Bihar". Where "Boy" had taken initiate that, he doesn't want any "Dowry", you wanna know why?. As because "Girl's" parents are forcing him to marry with their "Girl", and they are "Luring" him in terms of "Dowry". But due to his "upbringing".....yes read again, due to his "upbringing" he rejected the offer. Then after few days, he got kidnapped and forced to tie the knot with the girl. At that moment, "Camera Man" was saying "please smile", otherwise your pics come out to be lethargic or poor. And when they were in their bedroom for the whole night, "Man" was in aggressive mood", he scold her and gave her the punishment to remain standstill for the whole night near the gate.

And when he woke up the next morning, he saw that the girl was standing there, hadn't moved a little bit. And he got embarrassed and kissed her on her "Cheeks". "Okay, Okay, wait for the moral of the story". As we read, when "Dowry" won't work, they applied another method i.e "Pakarukh Marriage" or "Jabaria Marriage" or in more simple language "Marriage by force". Moreover, I think we have to escalate our knowledge. Okay, let's read this.

"Dowry System" is not limited to "India" only. In fact, as I told you prematurely that we had adopted this from "Western Culture". According to my research, nearly 60% of cases of domestic violence, suicide occurred in "America" just because of "Dowry". Hence according to this, I think, it's time to "shoot up the Domain" the title i.e "Dowry System: A blot "NOT ONLY" on "India's face" but also on "World's Face".

As when I dig a little bit more into it than I get to know that, In "India", "Hindu" is not the only region, who always acts as the "ScapeGoat" for "Dowry". In fact, you all got shocked by this research. As we all know, "India" is a diverse country and many religions reside there altogether. So according to the research, "Sikh's Community" was leading the chart in terms of "Dowry" and just below it, was "Christian Community". Wanna know about "Hindu"?, I know you were curious as me to get to know the status, "Hindu Community" lies on "3rd Number", yes you read write, i.e on "3rd Number".

One more thing, I got to know that, if we analyze according to "Casts" in terms of "Dowry", then as usual "General" is leading the chart, but "OBC" was just "Tad" behind it. But what more shocking was, "SC" and "ST" were coming equal, decades per decade, "isn't is really shocking"?. I don't know about you all, but I got shocked, wanna know how?, why?, just relate it with "MONEY", simple!!.

Now here comes the "Brahmastra", "Dowry Probihition Act 1961", in elementary language. This law "Prevents The Giving Or Receiving Of A Dowry" it working?, "Tell me, guys. Well, well, I don't think so. Because in our country people are so sharp-witted "as per evolution". They changed the definition of "Dowry". Means nowadays, the "Cash", "Movable" or "Immovable properties", is just a gift for the "Groom" or they use their "Pet Dialogue" or "G(old) slang" that "we are giving these items to our child, not yours i.e only she is gonna use it at her Mother-In-Law house", Wow, what a great "Discovery".


Many "Brides" were killed, thrown out of the house, bearing the "Torture" to save their families, because in our "HINDU" tradition., "Girl's Respect is our TOP NOTCH", priority, either "she was brutally trashed at her "Mother-In-Law" house, or got killed by the sprinkling of petrol and fire". But according to the "HINDU" perspective, "DON"T FORGET, MY DAUGHTER, YOUR'S RESPECT means OUR RESPECT" and FROM NOW ONWARDS IT IS IN YOUR "self-killing hand"(hypothetically speaking).

But don't forget, many "Human Rights Activists" were rosed and fight for the right of "Girls" and to vanished "Dowry System" like "Satya Rani Chadha" and "Raja Ram Mohan Roy". They did their best, but "Indians" remain "Indians". If someone tried to change our way, we changed ourselves. Let me tell you one more thing, "Dowry" in itself is a big picture. There are many theories which explained this like "Sanskritisations", "Economic Development" and "Groom Quality". Based on "THESE" mentioned theories, we set the price of "Groom", wow! great! now we have theories to set the prices.


Since starting we are reading only lines, lines, and lines. I want to end this "Blog" in points because everyone loves the "Conclusion" in long and short.

1. Awareness: One of the most cardinal factors, because the people need to know, is that "Dowry" in itself is a "Disease", which destroyed two lives along with other members within a matter of seconds.

2. Equilibrium: Fun fact, in 21st Century, women are surpassing the "Male/Dominant/Masculine" gender in every area of life. Hence from this frame of mind. First, Don't regret it whenever a "Girl" child is born. Secondly, Try to give equals right as boys. And Third, Educate them, make them equal as "Boys", Don't hinder their growth. Just keep pushing forward up to the extent until the "SYSTEM" won't come in EQUILIBRIUM".

3. Most Basic: Construct "Pakka" or "Kaccha" roads near the backward area or village area, so that "Girls" can travel comfortably from home to school or from home to college or from home to office, safely and swiftly.

4. Stop Comparing: This is the key factor, which increases the "Cost Value" of  "Groom". Like in some cases, or we can say in most of the cases, the "Male" gender is more educated, knows more skills, having a greater income, has a big house too, and has an infinite list of "alpha" or "beta" i.e, etc, etc. Hence, stop comparing. Marriage is between two "Individuals" not among "Weighing Scales".

5. Just say "NO": yes you read right, whenever any demands came from "Groom's" side, then at moment only, said "NO" to marriage. Because maybe it is "FIRST" of its kind demand, and maybe later i.e after marriage "More demands" can come. Hence always remember "PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE". Because the after-effects of "Demanding Marriage" were very severe according to my experiences or as claimed by the research.


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